Journal of Law, Society, and Islamic Civilization (Oct 2021)
Implementasi Pelayanan Perekaman dan Penerbitan KTP-elektronik bagi Penduduk Luar Domisili di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Sragen
The state of Indonesia as a legal country has an obligation to protect the personal rights of its citizen, one of which is through the service of population administration. Along with the development of technology and high population mobility influenced the change of service principles that were originally the principle of events into the principle of domicile in population administration services, especially electronic-KTP for recidents of mandatory KTP and provide services that make the community happy. This study explains and examines problems regarding service implementation, obstacles and efforts to overcome problems in electronic-KTP services outside the domicile. This research uses empirical research and a descriptive qualitative approach. Sources of primary research data obtained from interviews, documentation and observation, while secondary data obtained from journals, books, applicable regulations and data in the field. The result showed that the implementation of elektronic-KTP recording and issuance services for residents outside the domicile at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Sragen Regency was quite good, because it met the variables in the Van Meter and Van Horn implementation theory as well as Edward III’s theory despite server network constraints, the applicant’s data were not updated, there is don’t have a standart operating procedure, and minim of human resources. The efforts of the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Sragen Regency to overcome the server network by pinging the network/ checking connections, while to overcome the applicant’s data that has not been updated is to contact the database administrator (ADB) in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of origin to consolidate the data to the center, the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Sragen Regency must immediately make and ratify the operational standars procedures and submit employee request to the State Civil Service Agency.