IBRO Neuroscience Reports (Dec 2023)
Evaluating proxies for motion sickness in rodent
Motions sickness (MS) occurs when the brain receives conflicting sensory signals from vestibular, visual and proprioceptive systems about a person’s ongoing position and/or motion in relation to space. MS is typified by symptoms such as nausea and emesis and implicates complex physiological aspects of sensations and sensorimotor reflexes. Use of animal models has been integral to unraveling the physiological causality of MS. The commonly used rodents (rat and mouse), albeit lacking vomiting reflex, reliably display phenotypic behaviors of pica (eating of non-nutritive substance) and conditioned taste aversion (CTAver) or avoidance (CTAvoi) which utilize neural substrates with pathways that cause gastrointestinal malaise akin to nausea/emesis. As such, rodent pica and CTAver/CTAvoi have been widely used as proxies for nausea/emesis in studies dealing with neural mechanisms of nausea/emesis and MS, as well as for evaluating therapeutics. This review presents the rationale and experimental evidence that support the use of pica and CTAver/CTAvoi as indices for nausea and emesis. Key experimental steps and cautions required when using rodent MS models are also discussed. Finally, future directions are suggested for studying MS with rodent pica and CTAver/CTAvoi models.