Review of Artistic Education (Mar 2017)
Number 13 / Part I. Music. 9. A Research of The Musical Education at George Breazul and Dmitri Borisovich Kabalevski
The musical language structure consists of living elements (because inside them the human`s musical language is synthesized), rich elements (because through them, people expressed their ideas and feelings), various elements ( as all cultures have formed and developed throughout history, their own and inexhaustible structures, transmitted through the ages, taken over, selected, enriched, extended). George Breazul was the first Romanian musician, who tried to conceptualize the embodiment of musical education through song, music play, and listening, starting from the specific acoustic universe, namely, children‟s folklore. Dmitri Kabalevski propsed the accomplishment of the musical education, based on the interpretation and listening of songs, belonging to a group of genders, which could represent musical styles and forms organized on themes. Originality and viability of the two visions, can be further noticed, because the logical organization of the acoustic material creates the circumstances for the listener‟s emotional auditory perception of the artistic message. The mutual interrelation and conditioning of elements which form the musical language generated the emphasizing and prominence of each one, within the musical speech, which is reflected in the educational process.