Jurnal Pembangunan Pendidikan Fondasi dan Aplikasi (Feb 2019)

Evaluasi implementasi Perda Nomor 6 Tahun 2011 tentang Perlindungan Anak yang Hidup di Jalan

  • Agustinus Pas,
  • Badrun Kartowagiran

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 1
pp. 36 – 49


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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan implementasi Perda No 6 Tahun 2011 Tentang Perlindungan Anak yang Hidup di Jalan oleh Dinas Sosial DIY; (2) mendeskripsikan hambatan-hambatan dalam memenuhi hak dan kebutuhan anak jalanan; (3) dan mendeskripsikan solusi dalam mengatasi hambatan yang ditemukan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif menggunakan model evaluasi kesenjangan. Responden penelitian terdiri atas staf perlindungan anak, pengasuh Rumah Perlindungan Sosial dan Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial Anak, dan anak jalanan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data kualitatif menggunakan uji kredibilitas, transferabilitas, dependabilitas, dan konfirmabilitas. Validitas instrumen menggunakan validitas isi, dan estimasi reliabilitas angket menggunakan Cronbach Alpha dengan koefisien sebesar 0,75. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Dinas Sosial telah memenuhi hak dan kebutuhan anak jalanan dengan baik, kecuali pemenuhan hak identitas. Tugas Dinas Sosial selanjutnya adalah memenuhi hak identitas anak jalanan melalui kerjasama yang berkelanjutan dengan semua pihak terkait. Kata kunci: perlindungan, pemenuhan hak dan kebutuhan, anak jalanan. AN EVALUATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF REGIONAL REGULATION NUMBER 6 OF 2011 ABOUT STREET CHILDREN PROTECTION Abstract This research aims to: (1) describe the implementation of Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2011 about Street Children Protection (the fulfillment of children rights) was realized by Social Office of DIY, (2) describe the obstacles found by the Social Office of DIY in fulfill the rights and the needs of street children, (3) and to describe the solution to overcome the obstacles found. This was an evaluation research that used quantitative and quantitative descriptive approach with the discrepancy evaluation model. The respondents in this research consisted of the staff of street children protection, caretakers in social protection houses and child social welfare institutions, and street children. Data collection was done through interviews, observation, questionnaire and documentation. The validity and reliability of qualitative data was measured through credibility, transfer-ability, dependability, and confirm-ability testing. Research instrument validity was measured through content validity and the testing of questionnaire instrument is through Cronbach Alpha with a coefficient of 0.75. The results of this research show that the rights and needs of street children has fulfill well by Social Office, except in fulfilling the right of identity. The next task of the Social Office is to fulfill the rights of the street children’s identity through ongoing collaboration with all relevant agencies. Keywords: protection, fulfillment of rights and needs, street children
