Van Tıp Dergisi (Jul 2019)
An Anthropological Evaluation on Fluorosis
Fluorine is found in nature in fluorine compounds and is a trace element in human body. Fluorine is found in water sources, soils, rocks, food and drinks and incorporated into structure of our skeleton and teeth. Geological activities, climatic conditions, physical and chemical rock properties alter fluorine content in soil. This condition causes alterations in fluorine level in both underground and surface water sources. Adequate consumption protects teeth from caries and bones against osteoporosis however, excessive intake causes problems in teeth and bones. Acute or chronic excessive exposure to this element causes certain pathologies in different systems in human. Those pathological conditions are observed most frequently in hard tissues. Fluorine interacts with calcium which causes its dense accumulation in bones and teeth. Chronic excessive accumulation of fluorine cases mottling on teeth and deformations in bones and joints. Ancient populations exposed to fluorosis also have pathologies in teeth and bone samples. Aim of this study is to evaluate literature and assessment of present data and impacts of fluorine on human body in an anthropological perspective.