Âderna Fìzika ta Energetika (Mar 2011)
7Li(18O, 17O)7Li reaction and the 17N + 8Be-potential
The new data of the angular distributions of 7Li(18O, 16N)9Be reaction were obtained for the transitions to the ground and excited states of 8Be and 17N at the energy Elab(18O) = 114 MeV. The angular distributions of the reaction were measured for the first time. Data were analyzed with coupled-reaction-channels method for one- and two-step transfers of nucleons and clusters. In the analysis, the 7Li + 18O potential deduced in the analysis of the elastic 7Li + 18Oscattering data as well as shell-model spectroscopic amplitudes of transferred nucleons and clusters were used. The parameters of the 9Be + 16N potential were deduced using the reaction data. The contributions of different one- and twostep transfers in the 7Li(18O, 16N)9Be reaction cross-section was studied.