Data in Brief (Jun 2023)
Brain-anatomy image data set for problem solving associated with reversal error: Volumetric data
Reversal Error (RE) is a common error in algebra problem solving. This error occurs when students recognize the information in the statement but make mistakes when translating some sentences from natural language to algebraic language, reversing the relationship between two variables in comparison word problems. Structural Magnetic Resonance Image (sMRI) data were collected with the purpose of identifying brain anatomical regions related to the RE phenomenon. The aim of the research was to investigate the brain anatomy differences between participants who failed more than 50% of the answers on the task (N=15) and those who responded correctly 100% of the time (N=18). sMRI analysis revealed differences between the two groups, and details about these data can be found in Ventura-Campos et al. (2022) [1]. This data set contains the sMRI (raw data, pre-processed images), and an excel file with personal information such as age and gender, the scanner with which their sMRI were collected, and the group to which each of the 33 subjects belonged.