Вестник Самарского университета: Аэрокосмическая техника, технологии и машиностроение (Jul 2019)
Ensuring permissible level of gas turbine dynamic loading in operation by means of standard engine control devices
To solve the fatigue resistance problems of gas turbine engine elements using the existing principles of regulation based on the use of safe load factors for various loading schemes we suggest exercising controlled influence upon the loading sources in operation using a system of automatic control and standard devices for engine monitoring. The article discusses the use of this approach to minimize the dynamic loading of the LPC (low pressure compressor) blades of afterburning turbojet engines installed on supersonic aircraft, as well as to combat oscillatory combustion in combustion chambers with shock actuation of free wheel clutches and self-induced oscillation in the helicopter transmission system. Besides, it is shown that the monitoring of GTE (gas turbine engine) dynamic load should be accompanied by improving the efficiency of the on-board engine diagnostic system. It is impossible to reduce the probability of target drop-out or faulty actuation of the existing standard means and facilities of such systems down to the required level without applying an individual approach to the determination of permissible levels of adjustable diagnostic parameters.