طب جانباز (Jun 2011)
Some Influential factors on life satisfaction in Gorgan veterans
Introduction: life satisfaction comes from personal cognitive evaluation of life circumstance based on individual unique condition and criteria. The purpose of this study was survey life satisfaction of Gorgan veterans and some Influential factors. Methods: In this descriptive and analytical study 294 Gorgan veterans were selected via random sampling. Demographic data questionnaire and satisfaction with life scale were used for date gathering. Data analysis was performed by SPSS 16 software with independent t test, one wey ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient. P-value less than 0.05 were considered as statistically significant. Results: the participants age mean and standard deviation was 45.39 ± 5.47. Life satisfaction in 50 present of veterans was upper than mean (21.85±7.88). Among participants, veterans with chemical and psychiatric type injuries and veterans with three types of injuries (chemical, psychiatric and physical) had the lowest mean of life satisfaction (P0.05). Conclusion: according to this finding design special intervention for promotion mental and physical health between veterans especially veterans with chemical and psychiatric type injuries is necessary.