Revista GEMInIS (Jun 2022)
New transmedia design for traditional film festivals
The disruptive process of transformation in the audiovisual sector were unexpectedly accelerated after the covid-19 pandemic. This caused a rearrangement in the chain of the distribution, exhibition and circulation, restructuring the whole design of film festivals, once considered the launching point of this entire industry and strongly based on specific physical locations. The platformization process permanently changed the traditional model of audiovisual distribution, staffing and curation of festivals - which undergo a hybridization operation that allows the potential use of interactive resources and online delivery of movies, plays and performances to audiences all around the globe. Different narrative strategies in contemporary production using multiple platforms in creative processes are innovating storytelling model and influencing film festival programming and production. The current format of online film festivals restricts access to user data, as the exhibition is limited by parameters established by exhibition licensing agrements and limited tickets per screening. The process of festivals platformization implies new online functionalities integrated at economic and infrastructure levels which fully affects their organization and strategies. MixBrasil Festival is proposing new ways to merge different formats and languages into its programming.