National Journal of Clinical Anatomy (Jan 2017)
OEIS complex - a rare developmental anomaly
OEIS complex is a rare congenital anomaly comprising of the following four components: Omphalocoele, Exstrophy of cloaca, Imperforate anus and Spinal defects. It forms the extreme end of exstrophy-epispadias complex [EEC] of congenital defects. It is associated with anomalies of gastro-intestinal, urinary and genital systems. External genitalia are bifid, if present. Etiology is not clear. It can be diagnosed by prenatal ultrasound on visualization of’diaper type’ of distribution of anomalies, along with malformations of the limbs. The condition causes severe psychosocial trauma to the parents and family members. In live births, surgical interventions in several stages, are performed by skilled expertise only at selected tertiary health care centers. Outcome is highly variable. Prenatal identification of the condition is necessary to give adequate counselling, and have proper planning of the delivery and postnatal management of the baby.