Geodetski Vestnik (Jan 2008)
Razvojna perspektiva nepremičninskega področja : Development Perspective Of The Real Estate Field Of Work
V času novih zahtev družbe in uporabnikov ter pospešenega tehnološkega in informacijskega razvoja se pred državne geodetske in nepremičninske institucije postavljajo nove zahteve in pričakovanja. Vloga institucij, ki želijo podpirati gospodarsko uspešne ekonomije, mora biti ponovno analizirana, njene dejavnosti in strategije razvoja pa bi morale biti bolj prilagojene domačemu in širšemu krogu uporabnikov izdelkov in storitev. Na nepremičninskem področju zagotavljajo razvojne smernice in trende dokumenti Evropske komisije, dokumenti ustreznih evropskih združenj in tudi Mednarodne banke za obnovo in razvoj. Ob upoštevanju opisanih okvirov, tradicije in nacionalnih prioritet bi morali pripraviti prenovljeni dolgoročni program razvoja nepremičninskih evidenc (katastrov in zemljiške knjige) v tesni povezavi z nosilnimi uporabniškimi področji. Le veliki projekti in neposredne potrebe resorjev bodo lahko v prihodnje zagotovili bolj uporabniško naravnane rešitve, ki jih bo laže podpreti s finančnimi sredstvi (tudi evropskimi) in pri tem poskusiti v praksi udejanjiti načela javno-zasebnih partnerstev. / In the processes of dynamic changes in the European space, in the time of the society’s and users’ new requirements and in the time of accelerated technological and information developments the national geodetic and real estate institutions are faced with new demands and expectations. The role of the institutions that want to support successful economies needs to be re-analyzed, and their activities and development strategies should be adapted to a greater extent to the domestic and broader circle of the users of products and services. In the field of real estate, the development guidelines and trends are provided by the documents of the European Commission, the documents of the appropriate European associations and also the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. While taking into account the framework above, tradition and national priorities, a revised long-term program of the development of the real estate records (the cadastres and the land register) needs to be prepared in close cooperation with the fields in which users use these records. Only large projects and direct needs of particular sectors will ensure more user-directed solutions, which will be easier to support with financial resources (also European), in an attempt to realize the principles of public-private partnerships in practice.