Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()
Demands for psychosocial support from communities vulnerable to natural disasters
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ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the demands for the psychosocial care of vulnerable communities in the Vale do Itajaí, Santa Catarina Methods: Qualitative research, multiple case study, through narrative interviews with health professionals in three municipalities, from January to May 2018. The analysis of the narratives followed a formal analysis of the text, structural description of the content, analytical abstraction, analysis of knowledge, and contrastive comparison. Results: The described categories were: Meanings of the demands for support before the flood; Meanings of the demands during the occurrence of the disaster; Meanings of demands after the flood: psychosocial care; Meanings of the demands for monitoring the territory after the disaster. Conclusion: The identification of demands for mental health care after the disaster occurs through the search for health services, specific symptoms, and consequences of adapting to the recovery phase, such as migratory processes and temporary housing. The research contributes to the culture of care with a multiprofessional perspective in health care for the population affected by disasters.