Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii (Dec 2019)

Antibacterial therapy of vulgar acne

  • E. S. Snarskaya

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 95, no. 5
pp. 58 – 67


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Purpose: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of minocycline in the therapy of medium-heavy and severe forms of acne vulgaris according to modern ideas about pathogenesis of the disease.Materials and methods. Long-term multi-purpose observation which included 28 patients with the established diagnosis of acne vulgaris, medium-weight and severe forms is made. Patients received monotherapy by Minoleksin® medicine, depending on severity — 50–100 mg a day. Prior to the research and after the end of treatment inspection of the patient with calculation the rash elements, clinical and biochemical blood analysis, a research of function of sebaceous glands, the laser scanning microscopy, a laser Doppler floumetry, definition of the dermatological index of quality of life, photography (was performed at the consent of the patient). In the course of therapy inspection of the patient and assessment of tolerance of drug was performed.Results. The evidence of efficiency of minocycline in treatment of vulgar acnes of average and heavy severity is obtained that is confirmed by visual dermatological indicators, non-invasive methods of a research (results of a sebumetriya, the confocal laser scanning microscopy, a Doppler floumetriya), indicators of the dermatological index of quality of life. When studying clinical and laboratory indicators security concerns are not revealed. The undesirable phenomena in the course of the research are not registered.Conclusion. Minolexin® (minocycline) is highly effective and safe drug for treatment of vulgar acnes of average and heavy severity and it can be recommended for practical application in out-patient practice.Conflict of interest: the author states that there is no potential conflict of interest requiring disclosure in this article.
