Applied Sciences (Jan 2021)
A Passively Q-Switched Holmium-Doped Fiber Laser with Graphene Oxide at 2058 nm
This study reports a Q-switching-based, 2058-nm holmium (Ho) fiber laser incorporating a saturable absorber (SA) based on graphene oxide (GO). The SA was prepared with a side-polished fiber, while GO particles were deposited onto the fiber-polished surface to realize an all-fiber SA. A continuous-wave thulium-doped all-fiber laser, which was configured with a master-oscillator power-amplifier (MOPA) structure, was constructed as a pumping source. By inserting the fabricated SA into an all-fiber ring resonator based on 1-m length of Ho-doped fiber, Q-switched pulses could readily be obtained at a wavelength of 2058 nm. The pulse width was observed to vary from 2.01 to 1.56 μs as the pump power was adjusted from ~759 to 1072 mW, while the repetition rate was tunable from 45.56 to 56.12 kHz. The maximum values of average optical power and pulse energy were measured as ~11.61 mW and 207.05 nJ, respectively, at a ~1072 mW pump power.