MedEdPORTAL (Nov 2013)
A Case-Based Respiratory Microbiology Laboratory
Abstract Respiratory microbiology can be difficult for medical students to master as there are a plethora of pathogens that affect the respiratory tract. In our integrated organ system-based curriculum, students are introduced to an overview of medical microbiology during the first semester of their first year, but do not delve into details of pathogens until each organ system. This laboratory exercise was developed to reinforce the concepts and pathogens covered in lecture during the respiratory organ systems course. During part one, students swab each other's throat. During part two, they examine their throat cultures as well as rotate through stations to solve case studies involving respiratory pathogens by performing and interpreting biochemical tests. Therefore, this exercise is case-based and hands-on. Students work in groups to solve short case studies involving respiratory pathogens by interpreting gram stains and performing basic biochemical identification tests. By viewing a gram stain or physically performing a biochemical tests, students are able to visualize these abstract concepts from lectures. This laboratory has successfully been implemented twice in our curriculum.