Poultry Science (Jun 2024)
Are turkey hens affected by light flicker? Effects on performance and health
ABSTRACT: Light flicker is a commonly overlooked factor of artificial light sources. This study aimed to determine the impacts of light-flicker frequency on performance, general health, and mortality of 11-wk Nicholas Select turkey hens. The experiment consisted of 2 trials (block) in a randomized complete block design, with 3 light-flicker frequency treatments (30, 90, or 195 Hz). Turkeys (n = 364 per replicate) were randomly placed into environmentally controlled rooms (3 room replicates per treatment per trial). Group body weight (BW) and feed consumption were measured at 0, 4, 8, and 11 wk, and feed efficiency (mortality corrected feed-to-gain; F:Gm) was calculated for each period. Mortality and culls were collected twice daily. Flock uniformity, feather condition and cleanliness, footpad score, and mobility were evaluated at 10 wk (30 birds per room). Litter quality and ocular weight and dimensions were evaluated (11 wk; 4 birds per room). Data were analyzed using Proc Mixed (SAS 9.4) and significance was declared when P < 0.05. At 8 wk, BW was lower under 30 Hz compared to 195 Hz (P = 0.03). Feed consumption was lowest under 30 Hz (0–4 wk and 4–8 wk; P < 0.01). Mortality-corrected F:G was improved under 30 Hz for 8 to 11 wk and 0 to 11 wk (P = 0.05 and P = 0.04, respectively). Total mortality was lower under 195 Hz compared to 30 Hz (P = 0.02). Uniformity, gait score, feather condition, and litter quality were unaffected by flicker. Footpad scores were improved under 90 Hz (P = 0.01), leading to an improved average footpad score (P = 0.02). Feather cleanliness was improved under 90 Hz compared to both 30 Hz and 195 Hz (P<0.01). Right eyeball dimensions differed across lighting treatments, with the dorso-ventral diameter being larger in birds under 30 Hz compared to 195 Hz (P = 0.05). The anterior-posterior size also increased in birds under 30 Hz compared to 90 Hz (P = 0.03). Light flicker impacted turkey hens, with the results demonstrating negative impacts on early growth and changes to ocular characteristics.