Zdravniški Vestnik (Dec 2008)
BACKGROUND Because the female lower urinary tract and genital tract both arise from the primitiveurogenital sinus, the tissues, developing in close anatomical proximity, are similar. Estrogen receptors could be found in areas of the urethra, trigone and puboccocygeus muscle.Just like in genital tract, cell cycle activity of the aforementioned tissues could be increasedunder the influence of estrogen, and detected in urinary citology. CONCLUSIONS Different studies on influence of the estrogen on urinary incontinence reveal only subjective improvement, but not objective one. There is even less studies, considering local estrogene treatment as pre-operative adjuvant therapy in treating urinary incontinence, however, evidently improved local vascularisation under estrogene influence support thesis,that local estrogene treatment might improve and accelerate post-operative wound healing.The role of systemic and local estrogene treatment is not defined yet precisely. However, itis confirmed that estrogene improve local vascularisation of vaginal and para-vaginaltissues, what gives us impression that pre- and postoperative estrogene local treatmentmight be useful