Radiology Case Reports (May 2025)

Interventional radiology “Hemostatic embolization of recurrent bleeding due to the rupture of peri-stomal varices”: A rare case report

  • Abdelouahab Cheifa, MD,
  • Nazim Lounici, MD,
  • Ammar Maireche, MD,
  • Mohammed Rafiq Saadat, MD,
  • Foudhil Azizi, MD,
  • Salah eddine Samy Bourezak, MD,
  • Younes Aouameur, MD,
  • Rachid Ould Gougam, MD,
  • Mohamed El Amine Boudjella, MD,
  • Karima Seddiki, MD

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 5
pp. 2491 – 2495


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Stomal varices observed in patients with portal hypertension and digestive stomas can experience bleeding episodes. Although this event is rare, it is often recurrent and presents significant challenges in terms of effective treatment. In some cases, the consequences of bleeding can be severe. Here, we present a case of hemorrhagic stomal varices treated by selective percutaneous embolization using metal coils. This was performed after conventional pharmacological treatments failed, including the administration of propranolol for portal hypertension. An embolization procedure performed following percutaneous transhepatic portal catheterization effectively managed the hemorrhagic varices. The early postoperative course revealed no side effects or recurrent bleeding. Selective embolization appears to be an effective therapeutic method that is easy to perform and free of complications for the treatment of stomal hemorrhages.
