Епістемологічні дослідження у філософії, соціальних і політичних науках (Jul 2024)
In this article, the subject is considered by the author not as a static object, but as a «project», which is in a state of constant becoming. During the study were obtained the following conclusions: firstly, it was emphasized, that a subject has no predefined essence and that his existence precedes any design or plan. Secondly, it is detected, that a subject constructs its identity not through random circumstances or predefined restrictions of the external world, but through the carried-out choices and own deeds and actions, which manifested in the world. Thirdly, it is installed, that а subject is forced to accept its individual freedom even, if it contradicts his desires or expectations of other people. Fourthly, it is substantiated, that the process of self-identification can be dramatic, as it requires the subject to gap with usual stereotypes and expectations, and also acceptance own individuality and responsibility for its actions. Fifthly, it is accented, that the process of self-identification of a personality involves disclosure and cognition of the essence own «Ego», as a unique and integral structure, which is manifested in the subject’s ability to self-creation, self-fulfillment and self-improvement and in his real possibility to form an image of the future world. Sixthly, it is determined, that absolute freedom for the subject turns into a necessity, which prompts his to responsibility for its existence, choice, actions and deeds. Seventhly, it is allocated, that the subject denies social and moral-religious attitudes to free themselves from external influence, that impede his freedom of choice, which is a reflection of his subjective attitude to any situation. That is in this case we can say that the subject, creating its reality, does not rely on external authority, the existence of which is questionable in the world and is repelled only on subjective choice.