Muhandisī-i Bihdāsht-i Muḥīṭ (Sep 2018)

Evaluation of Landfill Gas Generation for Exploitation Energy (Case Study: Landfill No. 2 of Shahinshahr)

  • Ehsan Rezaee,
  • Mohammad Hadi Abolhasani

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 4
pp. 389 – 400


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Background and objective: The paper aims to estimate the environmental gases of Landfill No. 2 in Shahin Shahr (total landfill gas, methane gas and carbon dioxide gas), comparison of gas emissions over a period of 30 years, and the availability of landfill for energy extraction. Methods: The field of research is Landfill No. 2 at Shahin Shahr Recycling Plant (Isfahan) located in Ja’farabad Mountains, whose capacity was completed in 1391 and landfill gas assessment was carried out. The total amount of produced gases, methane and carbon dioxide has been calculated using the first-order degradation model over a period of 30 years. Results: The amount of these gases in Landfill has been calculated from 1394 to 1424.The results show that the amount of landfill gases has declined over time. The most amounts of methane and carbon dioxide production is about 1050000 and 287000 kilograms in 1394 and the least amount of methane and carbon dioxide production is estimated about 174 and 476 thousand kilograms, respectively, in 1424. The total volume of gases produced in this landfill has been estimated to be about 15 million cubic meters in 30 years, of which 27 percent are methane and 73 percent are carbon dioxide. The amount of methane and carbon dioxide gas is estimated to be about 15 million and 42 million kilograms in 30 years, respectively. Conclusion: Generally, landfill gases have declined over time. It is recommended to use energy recovery technologies for controlling greenhouse gas emissions and generation of required energy for the ShahinShahr recycling plant in order to use this volume of gas.  
