Musicologica Brunensia (Oct 2011)
Krajina v literatuře a ve filmu : k proměnám narativního prostoru
The study deals with representation of landscape in literature and film. First, an analysis of the cultural and social dimensions of the variable phenomenon of landscape is provided. In particular, cultural geographers have looked at landscape in a broader interdisciplinary perspective, allowing a better grasp of the human experience of the scenery outside their homes. Landscape in literature and film appears with different intensity and in various forms. It is not just a place for events of a story to happen; landscape acquires its autonomy in a fictional verbal or audiovisual world. We have found appropriate examples in the novel Adelheid by Vladimír Körner and its film adaptation: the essential link between literary and film poetics here is experiencing landscape by a wandering subject. This comparison of a literary text and its adaptation also points to new directions for adaptation studies.