Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición (Mar 2002)

<title language="por">Determinação do consumo de alimentos fontes de vitamina A por gestantes, utilizando o formulário dietético simplificado (FDS)

  • Betzabeth Slater Villar,
  • Maria José Roncada

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 52, no. 1
pp. 48 – 54


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O " International Vitamin A Consultative Group" (IVACG) desenvolveu um instrumento de pesquisa, com base no consumo de alimentos fontes de vitamina A, para categorizar uma população em grupos de Alto, Moderado e Baixo risco de deficiência de consumo desse nutriente. Este instrumento foi testado numa população de 91 mulheres grávidas que freqüentaram o serviço de atendimento pré-natal do Centro de Saúde pertencente à FSP/USP. O instrumento recebe o nome de Formulário Dietético Simplificado (FDS) e está composto por um questionário Recordatório de 24 h - Indice de Consumo (IC), e outro de freqüência de consumo - Padrão Usual de Consumo (PUC). Através do FDS, identificou-se, como alimentos de maior consumo diário e semanal o leite fluido, tomate, alface, margarina e banana, todos pertencentes aos grupos de baixo e moderado teor de vitamina A. Para assinalar as categorias de risco, tomou-se como base as necessidades dietéticas propostas pela Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation - (FAO/OMS -1991) e, como ponto de corte, o consumo inferior a 2/3 da quantidade recomendada. Os dados obtidos através do FDS mostraram que mais de 50% das entrevistadas encontravam-se nas categorias de Alto e Moderado risco de deficiência de consumo de vitamina A. Na análise estatística dos dados, encontrou-se uma correlação estatisticamente significante r = 0,50 (pDetermination of vitamin A consumption from food sources for pregnant women by using of a simplified dietary assessment (SDA). The International Vitamin A Consultative Group (IVACG) developed a research instrument based on consumption of vitamin-A food sources to classify populations into groups of high, moderate and low deficiency risk in the consumption of this nutrient. The instrument was tested on a population of 91 pregnant women who attended prenatal health care service run by School of Public Health of the University of São Paulo. Such instrument was termed Simplified Dietary Assessment (SDA) and it is comprised of a 24-hour dietary recall- Consumption Index (CI) and consumption frequency questionnaire- Usual Food Pattern (UFP). SDA pointed out the most consumed daily and weekly foods as being milk in liquid form, tomato, lettuce, margarine and banana. All these food sources belong to groups of low and moderate vitamin A content. Assignment in risk groups was based on the recommended dietary intake proposed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - (FAO/OMS - 1991) and two-thirds of the recommended intake was considered the cutting off point. According to data obtained by the SDA, more than 50% of the population interviewed was assigned to the High and Moderate risk groups for deficiency in vitamin A intake. Statistical analysis of the data revealed a significant statistical correlation r = 0,50 (p> 0,005) and a weighted Kappa value of (k w=0,207), which suggests that the SDA is a useful instrument and is a reasonable means for risk assignment of vitamin A deficiency among groups with inadequate levels of intake of foods as sources of this nutrient. However, the results suggest that in order to evaluate vitamin A intake appropriately, a larger number of applications of the IC questionnaires would be required
