Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia (Sep 2022)
User study of sensorless adaptive haptic assistance for bilateral teleoperation
This paper presents a sensor-less haptic adaptive assistance scheme for bilateral shared controlled in telerobotics. The paper focuses on the implementation of an adaptive assistance scheme previously developed using force sensors at the master’s side, extending it to the case where this measurement is no longer available. The experimental setup was composed of a virtual slave robot and a real master robot (a commercially-of-the-shelf, low-cost haptic device), namely the Novint Falcon haptic device. Due to the lack of sensors to measure the contact force between the human operator and the haptic control device i.e., only the position of the master robot is measured, a data-driven Unknown Input Observer with disturbance estimation augmentation is proposed, allowing the estimation of the (external) human force under plant uncertainty and external disturbances. The proposed approach is tested via a path tracking (known) with (unknown) obstacle avoidance task, and statistical analysis regarding the scheme’s effectiveness is presented.