Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Dec 2015)
ДО ІСТОРІЇ МІСЬКОГО СВЯТА (УКРАЇНСЬКО-НІМЕЦЬКІ ПАРАЛЕЛІ) / To the History of Urban Holidays (Ukrainian-German Parallels)
Курочкин Олександр. К истории городского праздника (украинско-немецкие параллели). Долгое время украинская народоведческая наука занималась преимущественно изучением культуры и быта сельского населения. Преодолевая устаревшую тенденцию, автор обращает внимание на проблемы организации и функционирования массовых праздников в пространстве большого города. В этой связи прослеживается динамика праздничных традиций Украины и Германии в процессе перехода общества от тоталитаризма к демократии. Ключевые слова: Украина, Германия, город, праздник, фестиваль, карнавал, идеологическая пропаганда, культурная традиция. Kurochkin Оlexandr. To the History of Urban Holidays (Ukrainian-German Parallels). For a long time the Ukrainian science of ethnology primarily engaged in the study of culture and life of the rural population. Breaking the out of time tradition, the author draws attention to the problems of the organization and functioning of mass celebrations in the city arial. In this context, dynamics of holiday traditions Ukraine and Germany is traced back to the periods of transition of society from totalitarianism to democracy. The paper describes the carnival in the Rhine cities of Cologne, Düsseldorf, Mainz, Bonn. Locals are committed to this tradition for eight centuries. Traditional carnival is a synthesis of Western European and particularly the Roman-Germanic civilization and Catholicism. Organization of carnivals in Germany is held by special societies, whose members in accordance with the regulations, have their ceremonial costumes, special insignia and awards. One of the first of such companies called «Committee for arraingement of the feast» was founded in Cologne in 1823. For example Cologne similar committees for the organization of carnival processions were established in many cities. Usually, they start at 11 o'clock in the 11-th minute 11-th of the 11-th month (November), on the day of St. Martin. At meetings of the Society carnival bosses are elected, responsibilities are distributed, the problem of decoration and financial support are solved. The sign of a developed civil society in Germany have a wide network of fereins – associations of various segments of the population. Some of them are based on the principle of Brotherhood (Saxons, Bavarians), others by social class affiliation or community of interests of their members (singing, sports, carnival, etc.). In Ukraine, during the reign of communism the foundations of civil society were utterly destroyed and any public initiative was eliminated, particularly in the fields of public holiday entertainment. The same should be said about the principle of local self-government. The revival of these basic democratic institutions is a priority for all citizens of an independent Ukrainian state. Key words: Ukraine, Germany, city holiday, festival, carnival, ferein, ideological propaganda, cultural tradition.