Филологический класс (Jul 2021)
Methods of Grammar Material Presentation in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
The article deals with the specifics features of methodological approaches to teaching Russian grammar to non-Russian-speaking students. The author analyzes two leading principles of presentation of grammar material to such students. A third authored approach is suggested, which is based on the concept of a communicative metamodel, fixing both the grammatical form intended for acquisition and the communicative value of the vocabulary studied. The presentation of the Russian grammar material in teaching Russian as a foreign language is one of the problems solved in the article. The main methods of research are the method of lingo-comparative analysis, as well as methods that synthesize the system-functional and synchronic approaches to presenting the Russian grammar. The scope of research covers special vocabulary of the sublanguage of the professional sphere “agriculture” and frequency-based communicative metamodels of the Russian language, in which this vocabulary is used. The practical significance of this article consists in the fact that it contains the results of the implementation of three methodological approaches to teaching of Russian grammar in three experimental groups of foreign students. The study was conducted on the base of experimental groups at SPbGAU. Particular attention is paid to both the theoretical description of these methodological approaches of grammar material presentation in the process of learning Russian, and the practical result of training organized using these methods. The article provides a summary table of training results for three experimental groups. The theoretical novelty of the study is that the author offers a new approach to the presentation of grammar material in teaching Russian to foreign students, which has proven itself positive in the implementation of the program of the prep department of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University and other agricultural universities. This approach can be taken as a basis for studying grammar of professional vocabulary in other spheres of human activity. The development of a new methodological approach to the presentation of Russian grammar and its practical test in teaching foreign students of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University is a special contribution of the author to the study of the topic.