Известия Томского политехнического университета: Инжиниринг георесурсов (May 2019)
Industrial and energy classification to estimate the rational coal use
The variety of coals in origin, properties and quality make it necessary to unify them, so there are different classifications of coals based on material composition, structure, genesis, consumption and so on. The greatest need of coal classification is dividing them into groups for rational use in industry and in the energy sector. The main aim of the study is to develop industrial and energetic classification based on the proposed parameters of coal value: genetic advantage, coking and coke-forming abilities, and standardized parameters: ash content, yield of volatile matter, plastic layer thickness, heat of combustion, which are used to determine coal quality. The methods used in the study. Critical analysis of GOST 25543-2013 (grade classification by genetic and technologic parameters for defining the direction of their consumption) with new parameters: KGA (genetic advantage of coals between themselves), KCA (coking ability) and KITV (coke-forming ability), shows the impossibility of distinguishing coking coals among caking only by yield of volatile matter and caking power (thickness of the plastic layer). Assessment of energetic ability allows reasonably distinguishing the energetic coals among others, including antracites. The results. The proposed industrial and energetic classification is aimed on improvement of coal classification and allows to distinguish cocking coals among caking, and coke-forming among them, and to distinguish energetic and fuel coals among non-caking. Proposed to divide humic coals coals on technological, energy-technological and fuel coals by main directions of their use for deep processing, with industrial and genetic value, technological and energetic value as assessment criteria. Industrial-energetic classification is positioned as addition to GOST 25543-2013 in part of dividing coal by direction of their consumption.