Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social (Jun 2016)
The Complexity of Living Citizenship in the Classroom: Analysis in Four Secondary Schools
This paper shows a range of democratic practices of four secondary schools based on principles related to the experience of citizenship, highlighting the possibilities and limitations they present. They are part of a research project which analyze participatory and democratic processes in schools, with the aim to promote and enhance its democratic, participatory and inclusive culture and daily practices. The study follows the interpretive paradigm and proposes: a) the need to promote the learning of citizenship in the school from the perspective of citizenship as practice; b) analysis of the practices’ legal context in the Spanish framework; c) four case studies in secondary schools in order to describe and analyze different practices of democratic participation in schools. The research shows that all the schools implement democratic education from different proposals, but there are differences between them. The leadership of the principals for improving such learning is the key.