Case Studies in Thermal Engineering (Mar 2024)
Effect of loading Fe3O4 nanoparticles on electrical performance of solar panel utilizing numerical modeling
The present study investigates the enhancement of the PVT system efficiency through the application of magnetic force. Dust deposition affects the glass layer of the PV, altering the magnitude of heat sources. The addition of a thermoelectric layer, attached to the silicon layer using EVA, allows for increased electrical output. A rhombus-shaped duct is filled with a homogeneous mixture of H2O and Fe3O4 nanomaterial serving as ferrofluid. The deposition of dust over the glass results in a decline of useful heat by approximately 10.11%, leading to a 25.36% decline in electrical productivity. The imposition of MHD increases thermal performance by 8.9%, and electrical efficiency can be enhanced by approximately 1.8%. The dispersion of nanoparticles contributes to a cooler silicon layer, with this positive impact being three times greater in the absence of MHD. Additionally, an increase in inlet velocity results in an 8.22% improvement in electrical performance.