Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu : Seria Economie (Jun 2013)
The demographic evolution in Romania after 1989 was characterized by a decrease of population, result of both an existence of a negative natural growth rate and intensifying the phenomenon of emigration. The negative natural growth rate was due to the aging of population, while the birth rate was reducing. The main effects of those demographic evolutions were the modifications produced in the age pyramid of the population. The pressure of the elderly population on the social security system has intensified lately, the rate between the number of employees, on one hand, and the retired and pupils on the other hand is decreasing continuously. The decrease of the birth rate was mainly determined by the economical and social aspects, among the most important there is the change of conception and life style, economic and financial crisis triggered by the restructuring of national economy. The effects were reflected in the increasing age of marriage and the decrease of fertility, in the increasing phenomenon of emigration etc. Solving this situation cannot be achieved by social and fiscal measures, among them the most important is the financial support, the lack of jobs and a safer future having as effect postponing of marriage and the birth of the first child. It is very likely that this imbalance be attenuated in time as a result of the phenomenon of immigration. However, Romanian people risks to decrease and the national identity may be lost on the background of globalization of markets and the free movement of the labor force.