Journal of Information Technology Management (Jul 2021)
Bottom-up Analysis Engineering of Investigative Practices and Innovation of Reflective Activities in Life and Earth Sciences: From Information Theory to Systems Theory
The heavy trends of the Information Society are knowledge that requires the spirit of innovation, creativity, flexibility and critical thinking “more than benign introspection.” In addition, information about each other’s relationships with oneself, the other and the environment is crucial to enable individuals to understand the complex reality.The Moroccan school is part of this societal vision, by renovating its education and training programs, which claim the development of the quality of procedural, cognitive and metacognitive strategies.In this perspective this research work aimed at studying the engineering analysis of investigation approaches in the teaching of SVT for the implementation of a reflexive practice in lycian learners, generating the ability to process information and invest in mechanisms for understanding, conceptualizing and proceduralizing cognitive and metacognitive strategies.Informational investigative capacity is crucial because it informs learning decisions, which can lead to innovations in the delivery of cognitive styles. To do this, we chose to conduct our study, through interview surveys and semi-structured questionnaires. The first among teachers and the second for SVT inspectors from three provincial directorates of National Education.The results show that the majority of those involved in education are involved in the classical informational approach and the experimental approach. The use of investigative analysis approaches remains episodic in some learning units (scientific ecological output and DNA extraction).Teachers are keen to introduce new information technologies to create favourable conditions for learning about investigative approaches, in order to improve the power of analysis, treatment and critical thinking and coping with situations of authentic and novel learning. We are concerned about the ability to understand what and how each of its actors is further shaping.