Кавказский энтомологический бюллетень (Jul 2016)

Spiders (Aranei) of the coast of Taganrog Bay (the Sea of Azov) and the Don River delta

  • A.V. Ponomarev,
  • E.V. Prokopenko,
  • P.P. Ivliev,
  • V.Yu. Shmatko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 1
pp. 3 – 28


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This paper is a continuation of our publications on the spider fauna of coastal areas of dryland Ponto-Caspian region. We used the material collected in the coast of the Taganrog Bay (the Sea of Azov) on the territory of Donetsk Region (Mariupol, Novoazovskiy and Pershotravnevyi Districts) and Rostov Region (Taganrog, Azovskiy and Neklinovskiy Districts) as well as in the delta of the Don River in 1991–1998, 2001–2005, 2011–2015. In addition, the previous publications about the spider fauna of this part of the Ponto-Caspian region were critically reviewed. Three hundred fifty species of spiders from 28 families are registered on the Taganrog Bay coast (the Sea of Azov) and in the delta of the Don River; 281 species of 25 families were found in the delta and 246 species from 25 families were collected around Taganrog Bay. The faunal similarity of the delta and the coast is 51%. Linyphiidae is the most diverse family which includes 64 species distributed mainly in the delta. Gnaphosidae (47 species) and Salticidae (43 species) are uniformely distributed both on the sea coast and the Don River delta. These three families include 44% of all recorded species. Baryphyma maritimum (Crocker et Parker, 1970) is recorded for Russia for the first time. Larinia jeskovi Marusik, 1986, Clubiona diversa O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1862, Araeoncus crassiceps (Westring, 1861), Pardosa femoralis Simon, 1876, Pulchellodromus ruficapillus (Simon, 1885), Pachygnatha clerckoides Wunderlich, 1985, Enoplognatha caricis (Fickert, 1876) are new for the fauna of Rostov Region. The species Zelotes manytchensis (Ponomarev et Tsvetkov, 2006) is returned in the genus Trachyzelotes Lohmander, 1944 after A. Sengle: Trachyzelotes manytchensis, comb. resurr. The resurrection is based on the structure of male copulatory organs.
