BRaS Blog (Feb 2021)

The dogmatic option and the ‘unviability’ of Keynesian economic policy measures in the Bolsonaro government (Part I): The Brazilian economy’s challenges during the pandemic

  • Wilson Vieira


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We have experienced an economic recession since 2015, which was aggravated in the years 2016-2018, and further worsened during the Bolsonaro government, mainly by the arrival and progress of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the beginning of cases of the new coronavirus in Brazil and, consequently, the implementation of the necessary measures of social isolation (which were relaxed before the required time, according to several statements of infectious diseases doctors), the government did little and did not pay attention to the many proposals that could ensure the reduction and the end of the isolation policy, mitigating the economic impacts for the population in general. With the objective of launching proposals to address the economic impacts of the pandemic, a large group of professors from the Institute of Economics (IE) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) proposed, on March 17, 2020, several measures, which will be taken as a privileged object of analysis in this text. At the moment, this article intends, by exploring each of these measures, to take them as a guideline for a balance of the recent economic policies of Bolsonaro’s government. In its second part, we also seek to make a brief comparison between the Brazilian pandemic-economic situation and the international scenario, especially the policies carried out by the governments of France, the United States, and Argentina.
