Fenomena (Sep 2021)
MENYOAL PERAN ALUMNI (Analisis Manajemen Pemberdayaan Alumni UIN KHAS Jember)
The organizational transformation of Islamic universities and colleges is not an easy task. Moreover, the transformation is under the authority of the state, namely the National Islamic Religious College ("State Islamic Religious College/PTKIN). Eight State Islamic colleges (STAIN) are preparing to become State Islamic Institute (IAIN) and nine IAIN become State Islamic University (UIN), including IAIN Jember to become UIN KH. Achmad Shidiq (UIN KHAS) Jember. This manuscript discusses the role of graduates (especially S-3 graduates of IAIN Jember) in the organizational transformation process from the State Islamic Institute to the State Islamic University. This study aims to: (1) analyze how the process of transforming IAIN Jember into UIN KHAS Jember is included in local wisdom; and (2) to find out the progress of the graduates of UIN Khas Jember. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach that is to understand the phenomenon holistically naturally. This research method is library research, namely research based on theoretical studies, references, and other scientific literature. The results of this study are: (1) The value of local wisdom in the organizational transformation process of IAIN Jember into UIN KHAS Jember is historical appreciation, affirmation of religious ideology, and affirmation of principles for UIN KHAS Jember. (2) The graduates of UIN KHAS Jember act as catalysts, contributors, public opinion makers, and movers of networking for the development of UIN KHAS Jember.