Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición (Sep 2006)
Validez del índice energía/proteína en la identificación de la malnutrición por exceso en preescolares venezolanos de bajo estrato socioeconómico
Se evaluó la validez del índice energía-proteína (IEP) en la identificación de la malnutrición por exceso en 163 niños entre 4 y 6 años, de bajo estrato socioeconómico en la ciudad de Valencia, Estado Carabobo, Venezuela. Se tomó peso, talla, brazo y pliegues subcutáneos. Se calculó el Peso para la Talla (P/T), área grasa (AG) e IEP. Se consideró en déficit a todo sujeto con P/T £ p10, normalidad P/T >p10 y £ p90 y en exceso aquel con P/T y AG >p90. Se calculó la distribución percentilar del IEP por edad y género, considerando bajo la norma £ p10, normal >p10 y £ p90 y sobre la norma >p90. Su validez se analizó a través de la sensibilidad, especificidad y razón de verosimilitud positiva (RV+) y negativa (RV-). Las pruebas de t de Student y ANOVA se utilizaron para comparaciones de grupos (pThe validity of the energy/protein index (EPI) in the detection of overweight was assessed in 163 low income children (four to six years old) from Valencia, Venezuela. Weight, height, arm circumference, and skinfolds were taken. Weight for height (W/H), limb fat area (LFA), and EPI were calculated. All subjects with W/H £ p10 were considered deficient, with W/H between >p10 and £ p90 normal, and with W/H and LFA >p90 in excess. Percentile distribution of EPI for age and gender was calculated, regarding below the norm all subjects £ p10, normal those > p10 and £ p90, and above the norm those >p90. Validity was assessed through sensibility, specificity, and likelihood ratio. Student´s t test and ANOVA were used for group comparisons (p< 0.05). According to the nutritional diagnosis, 27.60% of the children were deficient, 66.88% normal, and 15.52% in excess. According to the EPI, 7.36% of the sample was considered below the norm, 82.20% normal, and 10.44% above the norm. The EPI decreased with age in boys, and in the 6 years old group was significantly higher for girls. Lastly, an EPI above the norm is eleven times more likely to occur in a subject considered in excess than in subjects considered normal. For deficiency, the tests did not meet the expected values.