Problemi Ekonomiki (Sep 2017)
Competitiveness of Workplaces as a Prerequisite for Decent Work: Realities of the Ukrainian Economy
The aim of the article is the theoretical and applied substantiation of competitiveness of workplaces as a defining feature and component for provision of decent work. The author’s interpretation of the concept “competitiveness of workplaces” and signs of its manifestation in different aspects of social and labor relations are given. Suggestions for improving the methodological structure of the certification of workplaces in the context of determining the components of their competitiveness are outlined. The necessity of implementing a number of measures to create new high-tech workplaces and modernize the existing ones with the aim of bringing their level to the competitive one is justified. The results of analyzing individual indicators of competitiveness of workplaces in the economy of Ukraine for 2006-2015 are presented. It is proved that under conditions of the entry of Ukraine into the European space, the dominant factor in increasing the competitiveness of workplaces is the modernization of the existing ones and bringing them to the level of high-tech and high-performance ones. It is noted that the theoretical and methodological basis for assessing the level of competitiveness of workplaces and determining the directions for its improvement is formed by the concept of decent work and the indicators of decent work deficit that are singled out on its basis.