Einstein (São Paulo) (Dec 2008)
Effect of orchiectomy on rat physical capacity
Objective: Bilateral orchiectomy is indicated for the treatment ofpatients with testicular cancer or advanced prostate tumors. Theinfluence of hypogonadism on physical activity is still not known.The purpose of this work was to verify the effect of bilateralorchiectomy on physical performance. Methods: Sixteen ratswere divided into two groups: Group 1 (Control), in which only skinincision and suture were made (n = 5) and Group 2, in which therats were submitted to bilateral orchiectomy (n = 11). The animalswere trained to run on a treadmill at the speed of 14 meters perminute until they were fatigued. The results were compared usingthe Mann-Whitney test. Results: There was no difference betweenthe animals submitted to orchiectomy and the Control Group.Conclusions: Bilateral orchiectomy does not affect the physicalperformance of the rat.