Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem ()

Contribution of the nursing process for the construction of the identity of nursing professionals

  • Edlamar Kátia Adamy,
  • Denise Antunes de Azambuja Zocche,
  • Miriam de Abreu Almeida



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Abstract Objective: To understand the meaning of the nursing process for the identity construction of nursing professionals. Method: A qualitative study based on the data-based theory and symbolic interactionism, carried out with 12 nursing professionals from November 2015 to February 2016 in a reference hospital in the south of Brazil. The data were collected through an intensive interview, analyzed using Nvivo® software. Results: The data show that the Nursing Process enabled professionals to assume multiple identities that contributed to the construction of the institutional identity of the nationally and internationally recognized hospital. Conclusion: The multiple individual, collective, and institutional identities are fostered by the construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction movements that make up this model of care, allowing for the creation of a culture of appreciation of the nursing process as a working method, that is, the nursing process was the origin of the nursing identity of the hospital.
