Florida Public Health Review (Jun 2005)
Our Public Health History in Florida: Interviews with the Department Chairs
Whereas the Dean of the College of Public Health sets the agenda and establishes the culture for the institution, it is the constellation of Department Chairpersons that operationalizes the plans that carry out the institutional mission. Two years after its founding in 1984, the University of South Florida College of Public Health formed four departments (Community and Family Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Health Policy and Management) and added a fifth department (Global Health) in 2004. Dr. Jeannine Coreil is the third person to Chair the Department of Community and Family Health. She joined the faculty at USF in 1987. Dr. Thomas E. Bernard is the fifth person to head the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health. He began his faculty career at USF in 1989. Dr. Heather G. Stockwell is the third person to lead the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. She came to USF in 1985. After leaving in 1992, she returned as Chair in 2002. Dr. Barbara L. Orban is the fourth person to lead the Department of Health Policy and Management. She joined the USF COPH faculty in 1996. Dr. Boo H. Kwa joined the USF COPH faculty in 1986 as a member of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health. He became the founding Chair of the Department of Global Health in 2004. This set of interviews with the Chairs of the University of South Florida College of Public Health’s five academic departments was conducted between March 23, 2005 and May 18, 2005.