Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego (Jan 2006)
Przestrzenne zróżnicowanie wykorzystania technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w przedsiębiorstwach przemysłowych w Polsce
In the recent years much attention has been given to the building of a knowledge-based economy (KBE). Of crucial importance in this process is the designing and practical use of innovations. They enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, regions and countries. Among the innovations of rapidly increasing significance are information-communication technologies, which make it possible to accumulate, process and circulate an ever-growing number of data over a short period of time. This allows a widespread and highly dynamic diffusion of knowledge.The article presents spatial differences among voivodships in Poland in the use of informationcommunication technologies in industrial plants. The analysis is preceded by a theoretical introduction, presenting J.A. Schumpeter’s theory of a creative destruction of the economic system as well as Kondratiev’s conception of long waves and cycles of industrial evolution. In this way the importance of innovations – including those in information-communication technologies – for economic growth is stressed. By showing differences among voivodships in the use of information-communication technologies, leaders in this field and those lagging behind are identified. A comparison is also made of the dynamics of economic growth of voivodships based on their per capita GDP figures and their use of this group of technologies. The article closes with the description of barriers hindering access to those technologies and their use. The conclusions present prospects of their development.