Paedagoria (Sep 2022)
Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas model pembelajaran project based learning terhadap peningkatan kreativitas peserta didik dalam materi siklus air di kelas V SD Negeri Kepatihan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen semu. Penelitian eksperimen semu terdapat desain penelitian. Di dalam desain penelitian terdapat dua kelas yaitu kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Subyek penelitian yaitu peserta didik kelas V SD Negeri Kepatihan tahun pelajaran 2021/2022 dengan jumlah 24 peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode observasi, metode tes, dan metode dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa nilai kreativitas pada kelas eksperimen memiliki rata-rata 88, pada kelas kontrol memiliki rata-rata 66. Hasil nilai posttest pada kelas eksperimen memiliki rata-rata 90, pada kelas kontrol memiliki rata-rata 69. Uji hipotesis penelitian menggunakan uji t, berdasarkan perhitungan uji t dengan taraf signifikansi 5% diperoleh signifikasi (2-taild) sebesar 0,00 < 0,05, dan 0,002 < 0,05, maka di tolak diterima. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran project based learning efektif terhadap peningkatan kreativitas pada materi siklus air kelas V SD Negeri Kepatihan Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the project based learning model on increasing the creativity of students in the water cycle material in class V SD Negeri Kepatihan. This research method uses a quasi-experimental research method. This quasi-experimental research has a research design. In the research design, there are two classes, namely the experimental class and the control class. The research subjects are fifth grade students of SD Negeri Kepatihan for the academic year 2021/2022 with a total of 24 students. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by observation methods, test methods, and documentation methods. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the creativity value in the experimental class had an average of 88, the control class had an average of 66. The results of the posttest scores in the experimental class had an average of 90, in the control class had an average of 69. The research hypothesis was tested using t test, based on the calculation of the t test with a significance level of 5% obtained a significance (2-taild) of 0.00 < 0.05, and 0.002 < 0.05, then H_0 is rejected, H_α is accepted. So it can be concluded that the project-based learning model is effective in increasing creativity in the water cycle material for class V SD Negeri Kepatihan.