Nova Economia (Dec 2008)
Corporação e economia local: uma análise usando Contas Sociais Alfa (CSα) do programa de investimentos da CVRD no Sudeste Paraense (2004 a 2010)
The Southeast region of the state of Pará has been an extraordinarily dynamic area. The great cattle ranching projects financed by the SUDAM were implemented there the sixties, which confronted the old Brazil nut extraction structures and the expansion of family farming both spontaneous and induced, along with major mineral projects and gold mining prospectors. As parts of the process, important structural transformations took place reinforcing the role of the urban centers and their local rural bases in the logistics of new economic sectors conditioned by the formation of the mining economy. This mining economy was a result of the presence of the Vale do Rio Doce Company (CVRD), which has operated its north-system of ferrous metals based in Carajás since 1985. The article presents the results of an input-output analysis with button-up methodology that calculates the economic impacts of the investment program of CVRD from 2004 to 2010, on both the rural and urban local economy and also on the rest of Para State and of Brazil.