Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia (Jan 2019)
Wie wird auf Ärzte sprachlich referiert? – Zur Analyse von Bezeichnungen für Ärzte in Kommentaren auf deutschen Arztbewertungsportalen
For some time now, there could be found more and more offers/services on the Internet that are linked to medical industry. An example of this are the doctor evaluation portals, which, as the results of many surveys prove, enjoy ever greater popularity among Internet users. They are used in the first place to find the right doctors, and also give the opportunity to assess them. In the center of interest of the article are opinions on doctors in the form of comments obtained from the German doctor evaluation portal Jameda. The analysis focuses on the expressions describing doctors used by the evaluators in the comments. The starting point for the analysis is the assumption that the appelative personal designations used in the evaluations are of great importance for the general meaning of the entire comment. The corpus of the study consists of about 120 evaluations obtained from the portal. Personal designations excerpted from the texts are analyzed from the perspective of their morphological and syntactic structure, taking into account also the criterion of naming motives.