Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia (Dec 2007)
Costes sociales y temporales de la movilidad de los polígonos industriales el caso de la región metropolitana de Barcelona
THE SOCIAL AND TEMPORAL COSTS OF MOBILITY IN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS. THE CASE OF THE BARCELONA METROPOLITAN REGION. Since the 1960s, there has been an increasing tendency towards relocating industrial activities to areas located in the urban peripheries that are destined for that specific purpose. The private car has become the main means of connecting these production spaces with the rest of the urban fabric. This connectivity option entails high mobility costs, which can be analytically divided into operative, environmental, social and temporal costs. This article focuses on both the social and the temporal costs of the journeys to and from industrial estates located in two peripheral municipalities of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region. The main findings of the research highlight the important role played by territorial organisation and transport planning in reducing these costs, as well as their consequent usefulness when adequately embedded into social policies.