VertigO (May 2012)
La schizophrénie écologique : le cas des déplacements quotidiens à Lyon
This article explores the gap between individual level information, values and actions in the context of the fight against climate change. This gap is not insignificant since it does play a role in the efforts at mitigation and, on the theoretical level, it raises the issue of the role of sustainable development in climate governance. We apply and explore the idea of ecological schizophrenia, as it emerges in daily mobility, so as to better understand the reasons behind the refusals, blockages and resistance to climate and energy measures. Through 30 semi directive interviews and a survey undertaken in Lyon – with 650 respondents- , we have identified trends associated to people’s predilection for cars. We concentrate in these pages on the tensions and contradictions between their values and their real behaviours, and the tensions this causes.