Rivista di Estetica (Aug 2017)
Dissidio, stasis e società dipolari
Jean-François Lyotard studies the form of social organizations. He identifies their focal point in the heterogeneity that they convey within different regimes of phrases and, in particular, between those of knowledge and freedom. Starting from this reflection, the article examines how contemporary societies, multicultural and globalized, need to make a choice today: either to embrace the synthesis of heterogeneity or to respect and enforce the inevitable presence of the differend. In the first occurrence, the danger is to turn the law into ordeal and to end up with a total war. The second instance, on the contrary, based on the dipolar interaction, even if it cannot guarantee against the emergence of violence, it can potentially reduce it. That is because it transfers the survival level from exclusion of hostilities to their elusion, from repudiating the conflict to tame it, from rejecting the muscular effort to calibrate it.