Slavia Meridionalis (Dec 2022)
Epidemic and Social Isolation: Research on the Tuberculosis Epidemic until the Middle of the 20th Century and Patients’ Social Problems, Treatment and Adaptation
Epidemic and Social Isolation: Research on the Tuberculosis Epidemic until the Middle of the 20th Century and Patients’ Social Problems, Treatment and Adaptation This article is a review of a study entitled Социалната болест. Туберкулозата в България през първата половина на ХХ век [The Social Disease – Tuberculosis in Bulgaria in the First Half of the 20th Century], authored by Milena Angelova (Blagoevgrad, 2021, 346 pp.). Izolacja epidemiologiczna i społeczna. Badania nad epidemią gruźlicy do połowy XX wieku oraz problemami społecznymi pacjentów, ich leczeniem i adaptacją Artykuł jest recenzją książki zatytułowanej Социалната болест. Туберкулозата в България през първата половина на ХХ век [Choroba społeczna – gruźlica w Bułgarii w pierwszej połowie XX wieku] autorstwa Mileny Angelovej (Blagoevgrad 2021, 346 ss.).