Corpus: Archivos Virtuales de la Alteridad Americana (Aug 2023)
El latir de los archivos: Reflexiones sobre memorias mapuches, tempos y temporalidades en los archivos estatales de Chubut
This article is based on my own research archive in order to examine ‒from an ethnographic perspective‒ experiences in and with local state archives and Mapuche memories linked to forestation policies implemented during the 20th century, in El Hoyo ‒Andean Region of Paralelo 42°, Chubut, Patagonia Argentina‒. I discuss not so much about the referential content of the documents but rather certain languages of the archive that function as clues to analyze logics of power and frameworks of operation of local institutions; although also, where to observe subjectivities and times of disagreements and overflows regarding what has been and/or continues to be instituted. I refer particularly to the temporal language and the tempos of two provincial state archives. I focus on that language as a key which expresses the field of forces that constituted these archives at each moment; and I review its articulation with memories of mapuche’s communities in the region who are claiming their territorial spaces.