MedEdPORTAL (Oct 2010)
Overview of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Abstract This module is a self-guided PowerPoint presentation intended to be a self-study session that provides an overview of the clinical anatomy of thoracic outlet syndrome. The module was created by graduating doctor of physical therapy students in order to enhance and reaffirm knowledge that had been attained in the classroom. The authors sought to combine the classroom knowledge with a greater understanding that they had achieved as a result of clinical experiences. The module was created as a requirement for an advanced clinical anatomy elective course taken in the final semester. It is advised that learners use the module to examine the clinical anatomy while dissecting a cadaver, or examine a prosection for the initial discussion of the types of thoracic outlet syndrome. Beyond the clinical anatomy discussion, the student should be able to simply review the module for information pertaining to the clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, and treatment options for thoracic outlet syndrome. Total time for review may range from 10 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the use of anatomical models or cadavers to augment the module. The module should be used after students have been exposed to the gross anatomy of the upper extremity. Students may wish to have additional resources available that may include more simplistic drawings of the brachial plexus while using this module. In the future, an updated version with a more complete visual representation of the brachial plexus and perhaps a series of patient case scenarios may enhance the module.