Advanced Biomedical Research (Jan 2022)
Colocolic intussusception because of lipoma in a 44-year-old adult
Lipoma is an uncommon mesenchymal tumor of the colon. They are typically symptom free, the large lipomas within the colon are rare, and can cause obstruction, bleeding, or intussusception. Intussusception is comparatively common in pediatrics and in adults, it could be a rare entity. Pathologic lesions are usually found with a major percentage of malignancy. This is a retrospective evaluation of an adult with an intestinal intussusception who underwent oncosurgical treatment. He was diagnosed with surgically proven intussusception. Using ultrasound and colonoscopy as diagnostic studies, colocolic intussusception was discovered. The patient underwent oncosurgical exploration. Intestinal resection with abrupt anastomosis was the procedure of choice for the patient. The etiology was benign lipoma. Adult intussusception should be evaluated in any patient with subacute abdominal discomfort with bearing in mind the high rate of malignancy and a lower rate of benign tumors. intestinal resection without reducing is highly recommended for colonic intussusceptions.